Over the years, farmers in the properties surrounding San Miguelito have been killing jaguars in order to protect their cattle from being eaten. As a result, the number of jaguars in the region have dwindled and the concern now lies as to how to stop these beautiful big cats from becoming extinct.
The first of its kind in Bolivia, the San Miguelito Jaguar Conservation Reserve was established to help save the iconic jaguar from extinction. The idea behind the project is to develop sustainable and controlled eco-tourism to the ranch, with money raised going directly towards recovering the loss of cattle by jaguars so farmers will no longer have a reason to shoot them.
Education is also a key factor in protecting wildlife, so the project works at teaching local communities about the importance of jaguars and big cats to the region’s eco-system, as well as training locals to become tour guides and make handicrafts so they may also benefit directly from tourism to the area.
A worthy cause, tourists who visit this unique property will be directly supporting conservation, helping to save the lives of jaguars in Bolivia.
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